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Convert Scratch 3 file to Windows Executable in just 2 mins with Node.js


Convert Scratch 3 file to Windows Executable in just 2 mins with Node.js .

Setting up ur Device


   $ npm install nativefier -g   

Let this process end. This is a one-time process and need not be caried out everytime u create an app

Preparing ur Scratch Project

Nativefier permits access to th entire web server once an app is built in stead of just one web-page it has been confined to. So we must package a Scratch project is such a way that the page doesn’t have any links with other pages in the given server. Hence, the scratch project should be packaged in Forkphorus in stead of Turbowrap or packaging in HTMLifiers. Follow these steps to package in Forkphorus:



Converting to Executable

It is a very easy command line that converts ur forkphorus web-page to a native executable file.

u could see the following img there:


Type the following code there:

 nativefier --name "Game name" "https://forkphorus link"

Wait the process to end. Then open the file location given at the beginning of the code , before u typed. (see the above pic) Then open the folder and run the .exe file. So, U r done!

Just Enjoy !!!